
Examples of the different available UIBlurEffectStyle types

Blurred backgrounds are a staple of modern app design, and the Apple provided UIView to achieve that effect with is via applying a UIBlurEffect to a UIVisualEffectView view.


let visualEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: nil)

visualEffectView.effect = UIBlurEffect(style: .systemMaterial)
UIVisualEffectView *visualEffectView = [[UIVisualEffectView alloc] initWithEffect:nil];
[self.view addSubview:visualEffectView];

visualEffectView.effect = [UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle:UIBlurEffectStyleSystemMaterial];


The different blur effects available are:

  • The original 4 from iOS 8
UIBlurEffectStyleExtraLight, // .extraLight
UIBlurEffectStyleLight,      // .light
UIBlurEffectStyleDark,       // .dark
UIBlurEffectStyleExtraDark   // .extraDark
  • Adaptive Default Styles

These will adapt to light and dark mode automatically as the user switches modes.

UIBlurEffectStyleRegular,  // .regular
UIBlurEffectStyleProminent // .prominent
  • Adaptive Styles
UIBlurEffectStyleSystemUltraThinMaterial // .systemUltraThinMaterial
UIBlurEffectStyleSystemThinMaterial      // .systemThinMaterial
UIBlurEffectStyleSystemMaterial          // .system
UIBlurEffectStyleSystemThickMaterial     // .systemThickMaterial
UIBlurEffectStyleSystemChromeMaterial.   // .ystemChromeMaterial

Example Project

To visualise these different styles I creates an example project which allows you to see each style in light and dark mode.


Examples of each UIBlurEffectStyle style

UIBlurEffectStyle Screenshot
ExtraLight Light
Dark Regular
Prominent SystemUltraThinMaterial
SystemThinMaterial SystemMaterial
SystemThickMaterial SystemChromeMaterial
SystemUltraThinMaterialLight SystemThinMaterialLight
SystemMaterialLight SystemThickMaterialLight
SystemChromeMaterialLight SystemUltraThinMaterialDark
SystemThinMaterialDark SystemMaterialDark
SystemThickMaterialDark SystemChromeMaterialDark